Visualization: 4 Ways to Practice This Form of Meditation

Are you trying to get into meditation but unsure of which form to start with? If so, you’ve come to the right place because visualization meditation is one of the easiest and most fun form to begin with. Visualization meditation is when you imagine a scene vividly, use your 5 senses to increase authentic detailsContinue reading “Visualization: 4 Ways to Practice This Form of Meditation”

Life Can Get Busy 2

Life can get busy, so trying to balance everything can become overwhelming. Whenever my life gets busy, I begin to prioritize everything but my home. It can quickly become a challenge because that load of laundry that I may put off becomes two, or three loads at the end of the week. The dishes thatContinue reading “Life Can Get Busy 2”

Depression Hurts…

When I was a kid I remember seeing the commercial for Cymbalta. The tagline went as such, “Depression hurts, Cymbalta can help.” I remember feeling so confused. What was depression? Why does it hurt? Why do people need to take medication for sadness? Other commercials I remember seeing featured cartoon people with rain clouds overContinue reading “Depression Hurts…”

April Showers Bring May Flowers Activity

We’ve all heard the saying “April showers bring May flowers” but we rarely take time out of our day to enjoy the beauty that spring temperatures, rain and sunshine bring to the outdoor world. May, may not be just sunshine, but by the time it is May, flowers have usually begun to bloom and displayContinue reading “April Showers Bring May Flowers Activity”

Accepting Sadness as a Common Emotion and Learning How to Cope with it

Sadness is one of the most common, yet most underrated emotions there are. Sadness can be accompanied with the loss of a loved one, missing an important event, missing someone or something, letting go/moving forward and more. Sadness can be defined as “an emotional state where there are feelings of unhappiness, low mood, and isContinue reading “Accepting Sadness as a Common Emotion and Learning How to Cope with it”

Intro to Spirituality

Spirituality is something that is SO important to include in our self-care routines but many have the belief that spirituality=religion. While religion is a form of spirituality, spirituality is not religion. Best put, religion is a sub group of spirituality. In order to better understand the differences, here is a great chart comparing the two.Continue reading “Intro to Spirituality”

The Healing Powers of Gratitude

The instinctive state of mind we like to call “emotion” is one that even scientists know very little about. Our emotions are derived from our situations, relationships, moods, and so on and so forth. So, why is there little known about it and why do emotions have such a PROFOUND impact on our daily lives?Continue reading “The Healing Powers of Gratitude”