Visualization: 4 Ways to Practice This Form of Meditation

Are you trying to get into meditation but unsure of which form to start with? If so, you’ve come to the right place because visualization meditation is one of the easiest and most fun form to begin with. Visualization meditation is when you imagine a scene vividly, use your 5 senses to increase authentic detailsContinue reading “Visualization: 4 Ways to Practice This Form of Meditation”

Meditation for Beginners: 7 Things to Keep in Mind When Learning Meditation

Have you ever heard of or considered trying out meditation but are unsure of where to begin? Back 7 years ago, my life was in complete and total shambles. I was knee-deep in college classes and life was just hitting me hard with stress and challenges. There were days I couldn’t even function because myContinue reading “Meditation for Beginners: 7 Things to Keep in Mind When Learning Meditation”

Intro to Spirituality

Spirituality is something that is SO important to include in our self-care routines but many have the belief that spirituality=religion. While religion is a form of spirituality, spirituality is not religion. Best put, religion is a sub group of spirituality. In order to better understand the differences, here is a great chart comparing the two.Continue reading “Intro to Spirituality”